Saturday, 23 January 2021


Mentally prepped myself for a day of pure nothingness. I got up a little early to play some video games and since it was Rebecca's turn to do the weekly shop it was going to be an extended play session. Until her car didn't start that was. Being the good boyfriend I am I drove her down to the supermarket and sat in the car reading a book (still got to chill out, just had to sit in a cold car for part of my morning). Thankfully she got everything sorted out once we got back and her car is up and running again - balance was restored and I crawled back into my man cave for the duration of the day.

I did wriggle out of it to watch Contagion as it seemed apt, plus Netflix keeps recommending it to me so I finally conceded. It played out in a similar way to Soderbergh's Traffic, while I couldn't stand that film, I have no beef with Contagion. It was witty to retroactively see how a 2011 world believed society would react to a pandemic, which was pretty close to reality so points for that. It did have a compelling social horror element to it too, almost like a zombie film without the zombies. I won't be screaming about this film a few years down the line, but if there was every a good time to see it, now is the time.

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