Saturday, 10 April 2021

A Longer Than Expected Hike

Sprawled out on the sofa of our cottage and enjoyed some 'me' time for the first few hours of my Saturday. Got so deeply invested in the current game I'm working through I almost lost track of the morning. My only objective today was to go to the supermarket, which in the middle of nowhere means a one hour round trip. While loading up the fridge with my groceries I hopped into the classic Saturday gaming session with Mark and Dan, despite being limited to the horsepower of my laptop we had a grand old time (while my cottage's wifi held up at least).

Felt square-eyed by the late afternoon so an invitation to go on a walk with some of my team-mates. Turned out to be a mini adventure. We picked wild garlic, hopped over fences, mingled with lambs, accidentally trespassed and jumped over a brook. In the middle of it all I even tried to scale a grassy cliff face, unfortunately my East Berlin sunglasses were a casualty of my fool-hardiness as I slipped and steadied myself with the hand I was carrying them with. Looks like we'll have to go inter-railing again just to get a new pair of cheap, H&M sunglasses! With the fresh air in my lungs, I'll surely sleep well tonight.

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