Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Boiling Point

Took the cat outside for the first time ever. 'Supervised Outdoor Time' was recommended online, at least for her first venture out so I sat with her while she pawed around the garden. Latterly I discreetly watched her from the living room window... They say all cats are opportunists and she saw her moment to try and leap over our garden wall. Hilariously, she only just made it up, a scramble got her hind legs up and over. I was too anxious to laugh in the moment though and sprung out with treats to coax her off the wall. She came back to us thankfully, next time we'll pop her collar in and then she's ready to enjoy the great outdoors.

She was tuckered out after her adventure so Rebecca and I watch Boiling Point in peace - what a thrilling one shot film! Set in a high end restaurant, the film takes us through the head chef's start to a very, very busy shift. Squabbles between the team and personal demons manifest - the success of the night balences on a knifes edge. Much more praiseworthy though is how it manages to dedicate just enough screentime to the side characters to make you care about each and everyone of them. The night is going downhill without brakes, but all the staff are facing their own battles, carrying their world on their shoulders, privately choking back the tears in an effort to keep on going. Short and snippy, there ain't no fat on Boiling Point.

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