Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Pizza Ponderer

Glued myself to my writing chair to furiously try and finish my current project. Though the sweet, sweet end is not yet fully in sight I had another little 'ah ha' moment that opened up a few avenues, and deleted away several paragraphs of likely redundant text. Brevaty has thankfully always been a strong(ish) suit with me - why work harder after all when you can work smarter and write less in the first place. 

Once my brain was melted into goo I scraped it back up again, stuffed it into my cranium and went out with Rebecca for pizza with some of her friends. Lots of big personalities around the table so I was content to sit back and listen for most of the night. Bless Rebecca, whenever I'm a bit quiet during a social outing she always checks in on me. Really it's nice not to keep my brain running all the time.

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