Sunday, 1 May 2022

Cash Crunching

Sundays are best spent doing the North Street Shuffle. Hitting up the bookshops, board game shop, Zero Waste shop and of course, the Sunday market - those arancini balls are too hard to pass up, especially if Rebecca's buying. 

Mark and Lucy were our dinner guests once we brought the house back into a presentable state. We introduced them to the cat, Edith, who was incredibly well behaved amidst strangers. Went all out on bean burgers as a veggie meal for all which lined our bellies for board games later on. Mark Mum infamously likes this very dated game called Masterpiece which is all about paying players to secure expensive art... Mark hates it because it's got some shonkey design but I dug the theme. Enter Modern Art, the game where an artist's worth is determined by the players - its more number crunching/market manipulation vibes which I though Mark and Lucy would gel with. Was sad to see them off at the end of the night as Monday beckons. I don't get the Bank Holiday off either so it's a bit of a blow... I do get to drive a van tomorrow though so that sweetens the deal a mite.

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