Friday, 20 May 2022

Feng Shui

I actually got to do a bit of work on my laptop again today, no longer was I Production's Man with a Van... At least not for the first few hours of the day. I was given a mighty shopping list of cleaning supplies to round up and a Makro card, that was my afternoon! Always fun to visit bulk buy supermarkets and admire 50 liter mayonnaise paint pots and giant Haribo tubs. 

I retired the van this evening, saluting it for it's weeks if service with me schlepping back and forth to Cardiff. One more week on my current job now, and I like to think I've left them in a good place now their new office is up and running. Hopefully they'll think of me fondly whenever they look around and admire the Feng Shui of the portacabin.

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