Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Hard Shoulder Treasure

Hit my first bit of industrial roadkill while merging onto the motorway. An IKEA plastic tub rolled towards me and it got lodged under my bumper so I huddled up onto the hard shoulder and yanked it free. On closer inspection the bucket was in decent nick still, my inner Grandad Bob took over and I said to myself 'I'll have that!'. 5 hours later I found myself hiding birthday paraphernalia for cast inside the very same tub as I walked it down to set. I lit the candles and walked in as 15 cast members sung happy birthday to the lucky recipient. All the while I stood there singing along in a room full of famous people wondering how I got there.

The only thing crazier than that is the fact I drove 1280 eggs across the Cotswolds today. But in this instance the mental image is more amusing than the anecdote so I'll tastefully omit the details.

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