Thursday, 25 April 2024

Flight Club

The last time I was asked to take notes at a page turn I was locked in a room with 5 people. One of which had Covid. Luckily today's one was much more normal. Everyone was collaborating, laughing and problem solving - all the while I was typing furiously, trying to commit everything to paper. Good thing I've been around the houses a few times so I know the filming lingo and was able to connect as lot of disparate dots, ultimately writing up well over a thousand words. My brain was running a little hot by the end of it but it was good fun to sit in the room where the sausage gets made.

With our Production team full up we're trying to do more socials while we can. This week was Flight Club, a social darts and bar which was a certified hoot. I learned that I was rubbish at darts, a fact one of my team brought up. 'I thought you'd be better at this'. Alas, I can control little Italian men with a joystick well, but when it comes to throwing tiny finned needles 3 feet, I am indeed naff. Gotta cherish these socials though, once I transition over to Script Supervising I will sincerely miss my team.

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