Tuesday 30 April 2024

Fermented K's

Once again my attention today was pointed towards stocking up the office kitchen. I spent very little time at my desk, I was driving or pushing heavy things with 4 wheels doing food shops. It's all in the interest of crew welfare, or so I'm told at least. Kimchi, kombucha and kefir, fermented foods, smoothie mixes, zero waste nuts by the half kilo, you name it, our office has it. No doubt I'll still get caught out by someone's super niche request - Garibaldi biscuits were today's curve ball amidst the health rush but that was an easy one to bat away.

In the midst of all this a colleague I'd worked with on a few jobs now approached me to congratulate me on stepping towards the Script Supervisor position. It meant a lot to me to see them genuinely happy for my upward trajectory. I'm more than the food I buy as it turns out.

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