Wednesday 1 May 2024

Pancake Flat

My tire pressure light came on and I decided to ignore it. There was a bit of chunking coming from the rear of my vehicle, but my Producer needed a lift and I didn't have time to check it out. Once I pulled back to the office my tire was flat as a pancake. Yikes.

It didn't matter too much though, my afternoon was occupied with a catering meeting where we attempted to reinvent the wheel. There's a big push for sustainability here and we're doing everything we can to accommodate that before we hit a point where crew start getting irritated. All our intentions are pure, now we just have to see if everything works in practice. I worked a little late tonight so I really cherished those few hours tonight with Rebecca and later Mark and Dan playing games, when you have something to look forward to after a long day, that's the best feeling.

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