Thursday 2 May 2024

Return to NQ64

Business as usual in the office, as per usual I quietly watched in awe as my team swiftly dealt with curveballs and tall orders. I will alway be proud of my time with those guys and sit amidst so much a capable and fun-loving group. At the work social later on this evening everyone begun lamenting me leaving and saying we should have a big thing for me moving on up to Script Supervising. It'll be my 'funeral' since I'll be dead to them shortly but no doubt we'll have a hoot arranging that one. 

Our social night was at NQ64, the gamer bar with arcade machines aplenty. I flexed my guitar hero skills and only just managed to beat our line producer at Mario Kart (clearly I need more practice) but the whole thing was a lot of fun. We spend so long shackeled to our desks it's lovely to see people outside of work just being themselves.

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