Sunday 5 May 2024

Richmond Pancakes

Totally lost track of time without an alarm to regiment my sleep time. Rebecca was already dressed with a belly full of breakfast and coffee before I had even opened my eyes, and honestly, I could have slept even longer. But there was friends to meet and brunch to consume! A bus ride to Richmond took us to Bills to meetup with Matt and Ben for pancakes and my first iced coffee of the year. They can't make it to our Eurovision party next weekend so we caught up with them today instead, exchanging stories about TV we've seen and how our individual filming jobs are shaping up. Time goes so fast when you're having fun though and before I knew it I was in the driver's seat taking Rebecca a d myself back to Bristol, navigating the various motorway closures all the while. Very glad I got the bank holiday off tomorrow as well, I got big plans to catch up on all the nothing I didn't get a chance to do earlier.

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