Monday 27 May 2024

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

 With a loosely goosey Bank Holiday Monday on our hands we figured we should treat ourselves to a trip to the movies. I wouldn't call myself a die hard Mad Max fan but they scratch a certain action film itch that no other contemporaries can scratch, and this new one was no exception. About halfway through this one there is a convoy under siege sequence that blew the roof off of anything else I'd ever seen before, it almost felt like blinking would do the on-screen effort a disservice. It's also hard to to consider every creative element a success here, art, costume, stunt and hair design was impeccable - this is a considered world and there wasn't a moment that pulled me away from it. But while it's a technical achievement, after I came out of the film I felt battered and exhausted, as if I'd been in a car crash myself. It's hard to sustain adrenaline for 150 minutes as it turns out. I wouldn't say it was badly paced but it was occasionally relentless, I was craving something quiet time to myself after the film was over because it was so full on. If that's what you're looking for in an action film though (like I normally do) then this is a winner.

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