Sunday 12 May 2024

Eurovision 2024

With the plan committed to paper, Rebecca and I set out to get the house (and the pantry) ready for our Eurovision party. I hit the shops and the butchers for some beef and sausages because we had our first BBQ of the year this evening. I low-key forgot some of the biggest tips on how to use a kettle BBQ and as a result, we had a very minor false start which was quickly rectified. Burger, mushrooms, hallomi and beer boiled sausages piled our plates, while leaving leftovers for tomorrow. If anything I think we all are a bit too much because energy levels slumped immediately when we all sat down for Eurovision - but we made it through! A really solid show overall, we all saw the winner from a mile away but several of the other acts were legitimately decent, nor was there any act that could be branded as woefully poor. High on good food and good vibes right now, and the best part is I have all of tomorrow to feel smug knowing we already weekended well.

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