Wednesday 15 May 2024

Tetris Fiend

Collectively, the whole office is starting to feel a little bit burnt out. Everyone is still in high spirits and cracking jokes but the slowdown is noticeable. As a direct result, everyone is becoming all the more appreciative of small favours and gestures (this is my world). We're all relying on each other to crunch out through the run up to the shoot, we'll get there, even if it's kicking and screaming.

A few days back I wrote about how I used to be in awe of Daniel's Tetris playing skills. Well that continues to be my reality because we played some competitive games this evening and he smoked me at Tetris. I thought I put up a good fight to start with, but it turned out he just needed to reconfigure his control scheme - immediately after I tasted his dust. I don't know if I'll ever get marginally better at the classic game, but it would be fun to give him a run for his money.

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