Thursday 28 November 2013


There was this outside our door today.

For those of you with bad eyesight, I'll save you the squinting. There was a very long bit of twine along the floor of our pavement. Stretched all across our road.

And it just kept going and going. Up our road, across another and into a driveway 600 meters on into a small country lane. It was just so irresistible, following this string was just too enticing. Along the way, small signs were dotted along saying things like. 'You are the only girl I have ever loved,' and 'Only you have the power to forgive.' Purely from a spectators point of view, I believe that someone has done someone else wrong in a relationship and this is their big way of saying sorry. The hopeless romantic in me totally fell for it though, just hope his 'crime' wasn't so bad. Bit disappointed when I got to the end though, instead of this banner or something there was just a mopey looking teenager.

Moral of today, if something strange or unique presents itself in life then follow it, even if the destination is rubbish, the journey is at least worth an amusing anecdote.

Follow all the action on Twitter, just search #forgivefrankie. It's an entertaining blend of comments from all his mates there.

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