Monday 4 November 2013

Frozen Banana Recipe

Another cooking disaster in the Bournemouth house. We sincerely thought we were being geniuses, only a foolish fool could mess up a pudding as easy as frozen bananas. Inspired by the 'Bluth frozen banana stand' in Arrested Development and further encouraged by the '1star easy-ness rating' on most websites we decided to tackle this fun little dish. But with Me and Lucy in the kitchen anything could happen.

Bananas were frozen painlessly. Melting chocolate was an eventual testament to our sanity. Long term recipe plans call for the chocolate to be drizzled onto the bananas which are then left to freeze for longer - being the impatient types we are we wanted to eat them there and then. Chocolate got burnt before we even got that far. A brown, nobbled concoction was left in our pan so we figured 'In for a penny, in for a pound.' Slathered it on our bananas anyway. Took a bite. Cardiac arrest. Hot and cold collided like a meteor into earth. The frigid 'nana gave me instantaneous brain freeze so I tried to spit it out but it was firmly cemented in my gob by the molten chocolate. I  was seriously in such a panicked state I think I forgot how to breathe for a few seconds. Swallowed it down but horrified at the thought of having to eat 2 more of those cursed things. Lotta chocolate on them too... I have now felt first-hand how pure greed can manifest into gluttonous self-loathing. My gut feels like the size of a bowling ball, a pain I figured could only be soothed by REM's 'Everybody Hurts' on repeat.


1 comment:

  1. always melt chocolate gently in a microwave - in a pyrex dish with a lid!
