Sunday, 31 March 2019

Happy Mother's Day 2018

I was ready to go on high alert and go into battle at work today. It was a Sunday, weather wasn't great and it was Mother's Day, all signs pointed to a hectic day but somehow it wasn't. Was relatively chill overall which made for a nice change of pace, best of all we had a live music performance in the mid afternoon which really made the day feel special. For just over an hour the whole pace of the cafe slowed down to listen to the music, it turned into a really lovely environment to work in - that little slice of the afternoon was the epitome of a perfect Sunday moment. The customers enjoyed it too and were very happy to donate a little bit of spare change for the Samaritans, in fact we raised over 30 quid today alone which is great going.

Called up Mum a few times today, once I eventually got through to her I wished her a Happy Mother's Day. We talked about her latest articles she's writing about a local artist and discussed how she should approach it. Hope she had a good little Mother's Day.

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