Monday, 11 March 2019

The Babycino Crowd

Was dead on my feet by 5:30 this afternoon, the babycino crowd took us to the cleaners and I was left to wash up a literal mountain of crockery. It was so sweet to come home, throw off my shoes and collapse into a heap - no rest for the wicked though as after dinner Rebecca and I continued to make arrangements for our interrailing trip. As of tonight we have fully sorted out our accommodation for the various cities we're staying in, we spotted this incredibly swanky looking place in Ljubljana, I'm too excited to stay in someone else's house.

With that checked off our jobs list we settled into the final episode of the Ted Bundy Tapes documentary series on Netflix. At times the series divulged into some chauvinistic 'True Crime' sensibilities, but it always manages to pull away from that just at the right moment to provide a genuinely insightful and thrilling documentary series, well worth a watch reguardless of how well you know the Bundy story.

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