Saturday, 30 March 2019

Point Break

How did I get this far in life before watching Point Break? Was it because I don't have an interest in surf culture or perhaps its because I have a misplaced dislike for Patrick Swayze ever since Dirty Dancing? Any reservations about the film melted away within the first 5 minutes, and after that I was along for the ride.

What I dug most was it's 90's lack of self-awareness, it's a big action film full of dumb moments but I honestly couldn't stop smiling whenever something outrageous happened. Like a good wave, you just gotta go with it and it totally won me over with its characters and too many good scenes that came in thick and fast. We're talking thrilling on-foot chase sequences, bromance fueled surfing montages and the most breath-taking sky-diving sequence I think I've ever seen. This film was a pure fist-pumping, escapist thrill ride, just what the doctor ordered. If you're looking for something you can switch off and enjoy but still feel like you're engaging in something then call me up, I eager to enthuse with someone about this movie. 

Yes keanu Reeves' acting is sometimes as stiff as his surf board, everything else is a marvel.

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