Saturday, 15 February 2020

Rugs 'n Curtains

Blocked out a pretty perfect little Saturday. I took Rebecca up to the local bakery and green grocer to pick up some pieces and to proudly show her around our neighborhood. There was a handful of extra house bits to finish up, so we picked up a rug and some curtains which really tie the rooms together. For the longest time our dining room and spare bedroom/office were lacking curtains, at long last, I can play video games in a dark room without having to squint at the screen.

Mark and Lucy swung round in the afternoon for a big game of Terraforming Mars, I could barely remember the rules but we just about managed to stumble through it for a really.close match. I busted out a falafel and med veg platter for them and we talked the hours away. They both gave us the thumbs up for the curtain colours too - guess we did good.

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