Friday, 21 February 2020

The Promised Games

Stashed myself away once again in my writing nook to give voices to Louis' vegetables. Daniel asked me pretty early this morning if I fancied playing games with him, at first I thought I should use the day to get some proper work done, but then I figured I'd previously booked this weekend off for holiday to play games at the event that got cancelled - I promised myself this time for fun and games previously. I met him halfway and worked until lunchtime then I hung out with him. Had a total blast too! We sunk some real time into this simple game I picked up called Lethal League Blaze, we both got better and better as time went on and we kept learning new and cool techniques to use. It kinda reminded me of the old days when Dan and I would play games all day during the weekends of our school days. Though miles separate us, online play means that we can keep our friendship going in style.

Before games though came bread! I walked up the hill to our local bakery to try a loaf of theirs. It was still warm when I picked it up and I simply couldn't resist cutting off a slice the moment I walked through the door. Can't wait to have that for breakfast tomorrow! I forgot to mention yesterday that I knocked up a delicious batch of cold brew coffee too. I recently saw a recipe for espresso martinis that used cold brew in lieu of a shot of coffee. So at 3pm I whipped up a cocktail and drank it like a 50's housewife. Felt good man.

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