Thursday, 16 April 2020

Performing the Script

Got to work on putting my latest script into production for my upcoming video. For what feels like the first time, I treated my script more like a script. By that I mean I read it aloud as if I was giving a performance and while cutting the audio I noticed just how much more engaging I sound. I'll be attempting a few cleverish things in the next video while keeping the pace brisk. If it comes out as good as I have it planned in my head, this could be a real winner.

Speaking of good vibes, I just read Louis' latest devlog post about the development of his upcoming game, The Garden Path which I've obviously been helping out on over the past few weeks.I was beaming with pride when I saw he wrote this:

"...My brother has been writing a large amount of dialogue for the game, and I was finally able to load a portion in. It was such a joy to suddenly be able to talk to the characters and experience new dialogue as I would a player playing the game for the first time. It made the characters feel so much more alive, and it really gave me an insight into how the experience would be, playing the game for real."
 I just hope I can keep delivering him some fun lines and help him make this game as good as it can possibly be.

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