Wednesday, 29 April 2020


Louis and Rachel swung by to drop off some super delicious raspberry and Malted Milk brownies, perfect for sustaining Rebecca and me through this wet Wednesday. Luckily I had a mini breakthrough with my project which has given me something more tangible to wrestle with. It still needs a lot of time in the oven though but polishing it up is about to get a lot more gratifying.

Initially Rebecca and I were meant to watch Danny Boyle's theater adaptation of Frankenstein - its being shown on YouTube for free over the next week. But she got the airing dates off by 24 hours so we decided to watch another popular piece of fiction about a man who has risen from the dead to fight his creators: RoboCop! This film is infamously one of the only movies my parents walked out on when it was showing back in the day so its kinda got a forbidden fruit vibe for me. Now I finally got a chance to watch it for myself and, I didn't walk out, hell I was quite entertained! Its kinda become mandatory 80's action movie viewing and its fascinating to think how it captured and parodied its own Zeitgeist. An interesting watch for a gamer too because its influenced countless titles, only now am I picking up on all the stylistic callbacks many of my favourite games owe to RoboCop. Ultimately, it was a fun watch, if you need some obvious 80's action this is a winner.

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