Sunday, 19 April 2020

Two Weeks Notice

Went to sleep yesterday miffed at myself for not being able to beat the final boss of a game I'm playing, so I set my alarm for early this morning so I could sneak out of bed and try a few more rounds. After an hour of grueling attempts, I finally beat him, jubilation was heard by a weary Rebecca as she strolled in at the perfect moment. I was chuffed as chips before I'd even had my breakfast.

Couldn't be a winner all day though. We declared this Sunday as a board game day so we cracked out the Scrabble board and went head-to-head. The number of times Rebecca completely sabotaged my plays was disgusting, at one point she even placed exactly the same tiles I was about to (making 'grave' 'gravely') THERE'S ONLY 2 'Y' TILES IN SCRABBLE! What are the chances?! She won, I was a sore loser.

The only other part of the day that was a bit of a miss was the movie we picked out. 'Two Weeks Notice' is am early 2000's rom-com starring Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant, it also has the privilege of being one of the most morally ignorant movies I've seen in years. Poor chemistry, ugly characters and flat direction plagued this picture. Lord knows I tried to find a saving grace and it was only after I discovered Rebecca also thought it was pants that we had some fun chatting over the top of it, poking its flaws and marvelling at the 2002 costume design...

It also had a Donald Trump cameo, which was hilarious.

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