Friday, 26 June 2020

Fortnite at the Movies

Did a half day at my desk since I basically ran out of little projects to work on. I finished up my gaming article about spiders yet I've still to hear from the editorial team if my pitch even got green-lit. I cracked on with a few more lines for Louis' vegetables too, I'd like to sink a bit more time into that next week if I get the chance. Regardless, I just enjoyed the thought of the weekend arriving early so I fast-tracked it. I even logged into Fortnite for the first time in two years so I could sample their take at a 'movie night'. For some bonkers reason, you could watch Chris Nolan's The Prestige within the game of Fortnite during a limited time frame. It was like watching a film at a drive in cinema, complete with hooligans doing dance moves in my peripheral vision. At the risk of sounding out of touch with the youth, I don't think this trend will catch on... I mean I gave up after 15 minutes, can't imagine watching the whole two hours like that.

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