Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Ocean's Eight

Started my morning by playing a bit of Smash Bros. Since lockdown started I've been craving more and more multiplayer games people can just enjoy on the sofa and while I didn't have anyone to play with, just tinkering around reminded me of the good times that'll come round again. That said, I've been playing a lot more games with Mark and Dan over the past few nights online. This new mining game we picked up has really brought us back into the fold, at least until I our pirate game goes on sale so I can pick it up for cheap.

It was Rebecca's choice of film tonight and she chose Ocean's 8 seeing as neither of us had seen it. Now that I've seen it, I remembered why I detest smug heist movies. It's just a self-satisfying plot about a robbery that our handsome heroines conjure up and we, the audience, watch it unfold without a single speed bump get in their way. This is an issue I've had with all the Ocean films but since the series has been on ice for a while I was actually looking forward to this one possibly bring in some tension or enjoyable characters. But no, it's just another heist film where the heist goes well and everyone pats themselves on the back for being clever.  

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