Sunday, 7 June 2020

Pandemic Picnic

For the first time in almost 3 months, I saw my parents. Mum and Dad drove up to Bristol to see Louis and I while enjoying a social distancing picnic. It was a little awkward at first, there was an unspoken force preventing us from getting too close to one-another but as the day went on those reservations melted away and it felt just like normal. We shared lashings of homemade elder flower cordial, a pork pie and quiche Mum baked from scratch. All of which were graciously gobbled up while we basked in the temperamental sunlight of our local park. I was truly great to see them again after all this time. The one thing this pandemic has taught me is there is a bunch of stuff we take for granted, the freedom to socialise with your family is something I didn't appreciate until it was restricted.

In some other news, I'll be doing another Twitch Stream on Tuesday evening. I've set myself a goal to try and beat Resident Evil 2 in under 2 hours 30 minutes on the highest difficulty, doing so earns me the coveted 'S-Rank'. I've put in a bit of practice, but I've yet to pull it off, with any luck I'll do it with an audience! I'll pop the details and link here tomorrow.


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