Saturday, 29 August 2020

Bridge of Spies

Slept in like a champ and woke up feeling like a new man. The past two evening finished super late so my forty winks was long overdue. Rebecca was out most of the day tending to her various cat-sitting appointments so I settled into a groove on the sofa and dove into some games and some TV. After lunch though we thought it'd be good idea to get a bit of sunlight and fresh air so we headed up to Rebecca's favourite Oxfam shop at the top of Park Street and to grab a coffee and some cake. I just enjoyed letting the day wash over me, I went at its pace and I found myself enjoying the moment all the more because of that.

Tonight was also the night we watched Bridge of Spies, a film that's been on my watchlist for far too long. Predictably, it was pleasing. Tom Hanks was good, the camera work was good and Thomas Newman's score was good. And yet, there was something missing. Something that made it feel a little mechanical and aloof compared to Spielberg's other works. Maybe it was the pacing disparity between the film's two half's? Truth be told I can't quite put my finger on why it wasn't a stand out film, my gut was simply satisfied, not mesmerized.

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