Sunday, 2 August 2020

Wild at Heart

My big project for today was attempting to make caramel covered popcorn. Catch was, I'd never made caramel before so the whole thing was a learning exercise. I skimped on the caster sugar and used granulated instead which was a big old mistake. It clumped up pretty badly as a result and never came close to its intended silky texture. So it crystallized, hardened and once 'scooped' onto my popcorn all the allure had vanished and I was left with chunky, overly sweet popcorn with wildly uneven coating. Still tasted good though. 

It was my turn to pick a film for us to watch tonight so I chose Wild at Heart. I was under the pretense that it would be a fun, but weird romp that Rebecca would dig. Instead we got a David Lynch joint. Following two eloping love bird, it's a film told through post-coitus cigarettes and twisted manifestations of The Wizard of Oz. It's a world that doesn't shy away from telling us we're all just animals wearing clothes and thanks to Lynch's signature style I was transfixed the whole way through. It was also oddly optimistic for one of his films, which might explain why I enjoyed it so much. Though there's an almost suffocating degree of ugliness in its world, there are a pair of untainted souls capable of rising above it all.

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