Monday, 11 December 2017

Quest for Christmas: Chicken Warmer

Now, on this Quest for Christmas thing, I have tried to be open minded and willing to try new things in order to get me closer to that holiday spirit. And it turns out, you can find a little glimpse of that in some places where you would least expect it: McDonald's.

At least I thought I could. The Christmas Chicken warmer is a limited time offer meal at McDonald's, and since I am currently a soft-hearted sucker for all things Christmassy, I took the dive and ordered up.

'Christmas is here' the packaging promised, but I wasn't so sure. What's the first flavour that comes to mind when you think Christmas? Probably cranberry sauce, turkey or gravy. Certainly not whatever sauce they smothered my chicken in. I can only describe it as a curried sweet and sour sauce, very odd.

Chicken pieces were also just too big for the burger, and since they were lubricated by the sauce, they slid out of that oh-so-beautiful bun the moment you grip your burger.

It all made for some experimental meal that felt a bit under baked and about as Christmassy as a tea bag. It was like opening up the big present under the tree, hoping it's that big Lego kit you've always wanted, but instead it's just a collection of soap. Disappointing and just goes to show you can't hope to find Christmas cheer in a small, warm box at Victoria Train Station. You have to earn it.   


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