Sunday, 17 December 2017

Quest for Christmas: Singing Carols (And Other Things)

I couldn't go more than a few moments without Christmas jumping out at me today, even in places you'd expect it the least.

After we reached Newbury I joked about seeing steam coming off her car bonnet. There was a bit of vapour, but I assumed it was just the rain evaporating off the hot engine, Rebecca wanted to have a look-see and Christmas was found in the most unexpected place.

Can you see it? Tucked in the top left, let me show you.

Yep, apparently someone managed to shove the leftovers of their dinner down under Rebecca's bonnet, including 6 perfectly good pigs in blankets. Awful waste if you ask me, but I couldn't help but be impressed and bewildered by how that much stuff got under her hood.

After that little episode, we all headed off to the Twin Town Christ as dinner where I got my first roast dinner this month. I didn't go for the turkey option though since I expect I'll be getting plenty of that a bit later.

Returned home to decorate our tree. Mum had clearly waited this long for Louis and I to do it since it is a bit of a tradition in our house. We listened to Christmas songs and covered the tree in all our favourite ornaments. This time we had Some helpers as Rebecca and Rachel pitched in to decorate as well, it was a good little extension of the dressing tradition and it was lovely to share that with Rebecca in particular.

With the tree all spruced up, we then headed to a nearby church for a night of carols. I don't really do hymns and all that very often, but it was a good excuse to get a bit of the religious side of the season into the Christmas experience. I have never done a service while holding onto a candle however so that was a bit new, but out of everything I did today, the carols were probably the least Christmassy thing. I guess I don't have any strong memories connecting me to caroling or church services that get me into the holiday spirit. It was different though, and I'm glad I went but I reckon I definitely side with the family aspect of Christmas over the religious side.

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