Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Quest for Christmas: Visiting Churches

On my way out of my flat building to meet Rebecca on her lunch break I spotted a small ad for the local church, it was giving info on all the events going on there over the next few days. I thought it was a cute notice, and since I was walking past that church on my way into town I figured I could do a bit of rubbernecking and see if they had anything going on. Turns out, today was their 'Tree Festival' and since I'm going on this self appointed 'Quest for Christmas' I took a dive and went in to see what it was all about.

Turns out it's a community Christmas tree showcase/competition, different charities and local social services submitted their trees to be part of the display. There were well over 50 trees in there, each decorated differently to represent themselves. Most of the trees were standard affair, but a handful were genuinely quite creative.

Found one that would appeal to Mum, cute little one made out of gloves and scarfs.

This pom-pom tree would make Granny Sue smile.

I got chatting with some of the people running the event and they encouraged me to pick my favourite and vote for it as part of the competition. Now call me old fashioned, but I didn't go for the most creative tree, instead I chose this one:

Of all the trees on display, this was the one that reminded me of our tree at home, it even had several similar decorations on it's branches. It made me a little nostalgic and it made me look forward to going home to see the family, and our tree.

It was admittedly rather impulsive of me to stroll into a church and check out some trees, but I'm immensely glad I did. Seeing all those trees made me think about how Christmas means something a little different for everyone and at least for me, I feel a little closer to understanding where most of my Christmas feeling comes from.

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