Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Quest for Christmas: Christmas Wrapping

This post is not going to be about my all time least favourite Christmas song aka 'Christmas Wrapping' by The Waitresses, but it is going to be about something I have previously disliked about the season.

Mulberry actually had an 'It's what's on the inside that counts' campaign last year where they wrapped one of their handbags up in the most ghastly way imaginable. We are talking bad paper measurements and to much sellotape kinda of bad. The advert made me chuckle since it's a bit of a running joke in the family that I cannot wrap presents very well. In recent years, I have genuinely tried to improve my wrapping standards, but I was a bit cheeky this evening and asked Rebecca to help me out... and by that I mean do it for me. I helped cut the tape to the right size, but she admittedly did most of the actual wrapping side, where would I be without her?

Here's a few of the ones we wrapped tonight, including the one for Louis. Now that I've got the shopping out of the way I'm actually really eager to hand them out, I've done an alright job with present buying and I want to fast forward to Christmas to see the look on people's faces when they unwrap them now. It's true what they say, the older you get, the more Christmas becomes a time for giving rather than receiving, and I'm learning to enjoy the wrapping side of Christmas more and more.

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