Thursday, 2 May 2019

The Avengers: Endgame

Not that I was carrying any form of grudge against the movie but I decided to go into Endgame with tempered expectations. After pulling off a massive plot move in the previous film I knew the vast majority of this new one would be spent undoing some of the bad things that transpired, what mattered to me was how they could pull that off and I half convinced myself that the solution would be a bit phoned-in. In reality though the film was immensely satisfying, even for someone who isn't a diehard fan of the franchise. Its best summed up as a victory lap for the entire past decade of Marvel movies, taking us all back through memory lane but in a way that didn't feel like it was nostalgia pandering. It brought back memories of me watching the first Avengers film back in 2012, while this one certainly wasn't the same romp, it brought back similar thrills and laughs.

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