Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Wizzo The Wizzard

Sure as anything, the alarm sounded at 3am on the dot. I wrapped 3 very full shopping bags round my hands and got ready for a long mile to the bus stop. Picture a young man, wearing too many layers struggeling to carry too many shopping bags in the middle if the night and you'll be in the ballpark of what I looked like. Thankfully I got onto set without any issues whatsoever and everything else ran like clockwork too.

Got a chance to work alongside Tom Ska, one of the defining British YouTubers of the original generation, and I'm glad to say he was a total joy to work with, the whole day was organised choas to a degree but in the best kind if way. I even got to be on camera and say a few lines in this one! I'll link to the video once its up (should be up by Friday apparently which is mad quick) - really looking forward to seeing these ones come out. Most importantly though, the shoot day was a total blast, hard work but good fun, one of the best shoots I've been on in ages.

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