Saturday, 20 July 2019

Fair Game

Had the briefest day of work I've had in a long time just so I could go out and compete in my first ever Smash Brother's tournament. With Louis by my side, I felt like I was ready to take the entire tourney by storm... In reality though, it was quite a humbling experience. For so many years I've only really played games within my immediate friend group and I more often than not came out on top, kinda like a big fish in a small pond kinda thing. Well now Pandora's Box has been opened and I know that I am total trash at Smash. Louis and I swiftly lost in our doubles brackets and though I won a one game in singles, it wasn't enough to get any further in the tournament. Louis and I even lost our only qualifying games in the 'amature bracket' which meant we were officially out the competition.

While it was an eye opening experience, it was great to be a part of that community for a spell and to do battle with some tough opponents. For the time being though, I think I'll keep my Smash Brother's games among friends, were the tensions are low and the vibes are easy going. 

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