Wednesday, 17 July 2019

The Smash Broskis

Officially signed up for the Bristol Smash Brothers tournament going down on Saturday. Louis and I registered not only for singles, but for the doubles bracket too, our team name: The Smash Broskis. If it makes at least one person smile and/or roll their eyes then the name is a success.

Work had a team meeting too this evening featuring a pop quiz - I got the lowest score of the bunch mostly because all the questions concerned frappes and smoothies rather than coffee. If I ever own a coffee place here is a brief list of all the things I'll never serve:

Babycinos - They are worthless, flavourless and invite messy kids into cafes.

Frappes - In my mind I perceive hoards of teenage girls swarming the cafe, dying for a tacky, overly sweet drink, in reality, the people who mainly go for them are Baby Boomers with sweet teeth.

An abundance of cakes or savory items - Do one thing and do it well. I'd sell brownies and homemade soup. That's it.

Don't like it, then go to another cafe! I don't cafe if omitting these menu items drives away business and profits, it would be a simple and honest place to get a good coffee, everything else like frappes and babycinos are keys being jangled in front of the public in the vain hopes of getting people's attention and cash. Focus on the coffee and keep it simple.

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