Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Footage Fountain

Put my nose to the metaphorical grindstone to crack on with video editing for my next project. Just about managed to fill up my hard drive with game footage for this one, archiving almost the entirety of my 10 hour play-through. In theory this should have given me a ton of ammo for editing, but in reality it was torture to rifle through so much footage and it made me a little indecisive since I was spoilt for choice. Still, I got a healthy chunk of it done, I'll have it up and ready tomorrow with any luck.

Rebecca is in the midst of looking for another job so she called on me, a living expert in cover letter writing, to help her apply for more jobs. Turns out, she's got a rather rigid approach to the language of covering letters, I'm all for flaunting my personality so people can get my vibe (in a professional manner), Rebecca on the other hand doesn't even abbreviate words fearing that it's a sign of weakness in the eyes of an employer. Despite our creative differences, we landed on a happy middle ground and sent some stuff off for her. Here's hoping she has more luck than me.

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