Monday, 16 March 2020

Bus Souls 3

I have a love/hate relationship with that moment when you wake up 30 minutes before your alarm goes off. On the one hand, you can take stock of how much longer you have under the covers and you can dain to savour every second. When it happens at 4:30 in the morning though, it just reminds you that you're expected to get up and march to the cafe. Work was unremarkable, outside of a passing comment one of our regulars dropped. Chap's a bus driver, friendly, in his mid-40's, we parley, small talk often but today he casually brought up that he's having a real hard time beating a boss in Dark Souls 3. I couldn't believed my ears at first. I asked him where he was stuck, it is one of the hardest games ever made after all, I was impressed he played it at all, but I was even more gob-smacked when he revealed he couldn't beat the final, super hard, secret boss. Neither of us had beaten him so we made a friendly wager to see who could defeat him first. I rushed home, booted up the game and slogged through a grueling battle, emerging victorious. Can't wait to brag to him.

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