Saturday 14 September 2024

Pizza Practice

Feels like yonks since I had to get up for an early start. I blinked and now the mornings are dark, cold and just a little bleak. The chill never quite left my bones today since we were posted outside and I foolishly neglected to wear a jacket, I kept waiting for the sun to come round but it never came.

I thawed out once I was in the company of Mark and Lucy... Or maybe it was their 400 degree pizza oven that brought me back to life. Mark hand stretched pizza dough and applied toppings to custom pizzas, he loaded up the paddle and gave Rebecca and me a chance to cook our own pizzas. We won't be quitting our day jobs anytime soon but we did a commendable job of not entirely cremating everyone's dinner. More importantly, we had a ton of fun doing it, plus we got to eat some delicious pizza! While the crusts were still warm we chatted the night away eventually losing track of time - it tough to imagine a better Friday night than this though.

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