Hump day down in the office and it was kinda felt by all of us. The highlight of it all was obtaining a wealth of bits and bobs from other productions. We had so many cardboard boxes to crack into, each one containing the promises of money saved and less work for us. Grimey laminators? Don't mind if I do. Knotted charging cables? Hell yes. Strewn about pens and staples. This is what I live for.
On the way back home I had to swing by IKEA to pick something up for my desk at work. Whole walking around I had a sudden realisation that I don't think I've ever been to an IKEA by myself. No one to keep tabs of, no one to make observational (and highly original) jokes to and no one to browse with. It was an oddly lonely experience. The shop always promotes families and friends, and yet there I was, clutching my laptop stand to my chest while riding down an escalator, not really knowing how to feel.
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