Monday, 17 February 2025

No Show

Once upon a time, this blog used to be a secondary platform to drum up hype for upcoming Cafe Studios projects. Today I have the privilege of rekindling that purpose by unveiling our latest short film, No Show.


You can check it out here! 

It's Kyle's Birthday! He's got the snacks, the decorations and the hottest new video game to share with friends... But will anyone actually turn up? 

No Show was a real labour of love, shot by Rebecca and me over a couple days for a short film competition going on at work. Aside from ensuring my arm was never in shot, my greatest challenge with this one was crafting the end sequence which is meant to highlight the connection between ourselves, a video game controller and the screen. That interplay was really exciting for me to craft in the edit and I wanted to try and do it justice because alI genuinely feel that film and TV still have never quite managed to explore that space.

Special thanks go out to my Mum who helped bring our main character to life by crafting the puppet and his dapper party hat. Shout out also goes out to Mark Stopher for lending me the old Cafe Studios camera and providing tech support for the other side of a telephone.

Thanks in advance for checking it out, hope it's a nice surprise to see another lil film on the old Cafe Studios channel.

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