There's a high-quality Where's Wally poster on the ceiling of my dentist's office. Unfortunately Wally himself stands waving at you virtually in the middle, where your eyeliner naturally drifts to - a shame because I could have done with some kind of entertainment during my hour long appointment. Today was the day we prepped me for braces. I was in store for was a two stage process, first was attaching blobs of glue to my teeth and second was shaving the gaps in between some of my crowding spots. The latter was easily worse as they used what felt like a tiny bow saw to sand in between the gaps of my teeth. The dentist kept asking his assistant for suction to hoover up and liquids in my mouth, at first I thought I was just over-salivating to cope with the pain but then I started tasting iron. Once the procedure had concluded I glanced over to the dentist's tiny tool table to find that it was splattered with blood... All in the name of progress though I guess. I have the very first tray in now ready to endure my first night wearing it. They say the first 3 days are the very worst but so far they haven't been too uncomfortable.
It was also unfortunate timing because I feel like I'm coming down with a slight cold so my face is in a fair amount of pain in general at the moment. What I really didn't expect though was a phonecall from the director of the show I was just on calling to tell me how my short film blew his mind. I could barely get a word in edgeways as he was stumbling over himself complimenting my work, I find it hard to take praise on a normal day but this left me blindsided in the best possible way. He very sincerely suggested I enter it into festivals and should consider going into directing! Whenever I felt particularly rough today I reminded myself of that phonecall and that put the smile back on my face.
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