Monday, 22 February 2021

A Bit of Uncertainty

Rolled into our brand new production office: a big room somewhere backstage at the BIC. We all got a little lost trying to find our way around the place but we eventually got settled. Loads of my colleagues pointed out that the room had no windows, and its true it did screw up my perception of time somewhat - almost like coming out of the cinema.

Unfortunately I was hit with some sudden bad news around lunchtime today. The next job I was meant to be moving onto got postponed indefinitely. My Lone Producer called me up telling me that she was even more shocked than I probably was. Obviously this puts a big spanner in the works for the remainder of my year, I've already started shooting off my CV to a few places and I latterly got a few recommendations off other crew members to chase up. Its just insane how quickly everything changes, really hope I get something lined up soon.

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