Sunday 7 February 2021

Happy Birthday Rebecca 2021

Woke Rebecca up on her Birthday with a cuddle and my presents - a rather fetching beret plus a chic, but heavy duty kitchen apron that she's had her eye on for a while. The apron was almost immediately put to good use, since we're effectively under house arrest there was no way I could make a sneaky cake without her knowing so we turned it into a team activity!

Good food ruled the day. In a nod to last years jaunt to The Nordic Cafe, we rustled up some smoked salmon, poached eggs and avocado to serve on pumpernickel style bread. Louis and Rachel swung by with their own cake to drop off (which was delicious!) Then we got a take-away from our favorite local Chinese place. I honesty think I need to detox after the last few days.

Wasn't just eating though. We headed out on a walk, watched Fargo at Rebecca's request and in the evening a group of her friends hopped on a video call to play some online games together. To my surprise we went right into the small hours of the night with smiles on our faces. Beacsue I'm a Birthday traditionalist, I even managed to sneak away, put a few candles in the cake we made together and produced it while singing happy Birthday in front of her friends. Though it was a lockdown party, we did everything we could to make it memorable. 

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