Wednesday 3 February 2021

Belayed Christmas

Real 'work hard, play hard' attitude at work today. In between bouts of heavy spreadsheet editing, there was 5 minutes of hijinx. I even cracked out a Dobble and had a game with our Unit Manager to wake his brain up a bit. I got a rather sweet email for a co-worker regarding her hire car, she likes it so much she really wanted to buy it after the shoot ended. Sadly, the company weren't interested in selling it so I had to break the news to her. 

A parcel was waiting for me back at home, a bundle of all the Christmas presents my folks intended to give me over the holidays. There was lashings of preserved lemons, nougat and fudge-like tablet, plus a little book I've been wanting to get my hands on for far too long. The box was full of warmth, I've spent so long in the company of almost exclusively Rebecca I almost forgot I have more family, opening it up and unwrapping all the goodies made me feel closer to home.

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