Friday, 27 January 2023

Another GPU

Endured an appalling night's sleep and awoke feeling more tired than when I started. I had enough fuel in my tank to got and buy our director some wellington boots and to Frankenstein together a table for our Art Department. All the while I patiently awaited my new graphics card to arrive in the post. I was chuffed to bits when it arrived, once I was home I spent the whole night tinkering with it and came to the conclusion that I will probably return it. I spent an eye watering amount of cash on it and the improvements I'm getting for it just aren't worth my while. It's great games that I yearn for I realized, and it doesn't matter how pretty they look, a great game will always make itself known to me.

Rebecca sent me a link to a BBC news article announcing that Sylvia Syms has passed away. It was remarkable because just moments earlier I was thinking what it was like to work with her on the set of Together many moons ago now. Between scenes we chatted only on occasion but she took a small shine to me, she still had that twinkle in her eye when it came to acting even so late into her career. I was very lucky to spend even a smidgen of time with talent from the golden era of movies.

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