Sunday, 1 January 2023

New Year Connections

You reach a new stage in a friend's relationship when you all wake up on New Year's Day to share breakfast together. Rebecca and I woke up in London with our uni friends to guzzle down some scrambled egg - fuel for our first walk of the year. We went out in hunt of coffee but all the local shops were closed up. A single place in town was open and the queue was massive, but we were in no rush so we took in the January air.

We bid our chums farewell, they bid us a painless journey home, sadly their warm wishes didn't come to fruition. We almost missed our train out of London due to a late connection so we ended up sprinting across town. Still panting, we took our seat on our train only for the conductor to announce the train had been cancelled; everyone off. In hindsight it only added a little over an hour onto our journey, which meant we get to claim back a full refund on the trip! Feeling less swindled by GWR we greeted a hungry cat and a fridge full of nothing but scraps. Hobbling together what we could Rebecca and I had a piecemeal dinner and enjoyed spending some time at home to decompress after the long Christmas week.

I forgot to mention I did my annual write up for the best video games I played last year - you can check that article out here!

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