Thursday, 9 December 2021

Bye Bye Blue

 The final, final day of filming on Sanditon. Many of us thought we'd never see the day, but still it took us by surprise. I was on my feet the whole day, both units were crammed into a single production bus so I hovered around all the areas of our studio instead. Dealing with request, making coffees and prepping wrap gifts. I was handed some pretty weird and wonderful jobs in that 11 hour shoot day, all of which I nailed, quickly and efficiently. I get by with a little help from my friends though, and the hardest part was saying goodbye to a select few. The Transport Captain and a few members of the AD team were over and out after today. I wrote them all cards and presentedy wrap gifts to them for that bittersweet farewell. We've all been looking forward to the job's end for so long... But another week together would have been lovely... And then another and another. 

To celebrate the end of Blue Unit the Blue Bus Crew all went out for dinner at a nearby Mezze place. It was the perfect vibe for a last meal, lots of sharing platters and excuses for us all to get together and share the job's highlights (and low points). To me, every single person around that table was a highlight, so sad to think that it's all slowly drawing to a close.

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